How does the Hill's
FAB Club work?
How do I earn
FAB points?
How do i claim my
fab rewards?

What is the Hill’s FAB Club?

The Hill’s FAB Club is a fantastic programme (“FAB Programme”) that allows Outlet Staff Members to earn FAB Club Points (“FAB Points”) by participating in a wide variety of activities that support Hill’s. These FAB Points are redeemable for some amazing FAB Rewards.

What is the Hill’s FAB Club?

FAB Rewards shall include but not be limited to:

  • Vouchers from the following retailers or outlets - Woolworths, TakeALot, Sorbet, Ster Kinekor, Spur, Pick 'n Pay, Exclusive Books.
  • Gifts comprising the following products - Assortment of stationery, License Disk Holder, Cage Card, Earbud Speakers, Mug, Lunch Bags, Clothing Apparel, Water Bottle, Laptop bags, Speaker.
  • Pet food - Hill’s Science Plan.

Can I participate?

The Hill’s FAB Club is available to all Outlet Staff Members who are working in a practice or pet specialty shop. To participate all you need to do is contact our Head Office, make sure we have a valid and unique email address for you on our system and ask us to send you a login. Please make sure your outlet owner/manager is happy for you to participate – Hill’s can’t be held responsible for any FAB Points you earn that your outlet owner/manager will not allow you to redeem.

In some instances FAB Points are awarded to your outlet. Your outlet owner/manager will assign someone to be responsible for managing and redeeming these FAB Points for FAB Rewards to be allocated to the staff members.

How does it work?

FAB Club Points are earned in periods that run from 1 September to 31 August of the following year (“FAB Period”). All the FAB Points you earn can be redeemed at any time in the FAB Period, but will need to be redeemed by the 1st of December after the FAB Period ends, or they will expire. You can claim for smaller items, or accumulate your FAB Club Points throughout the FAB Period to redeem them for bigger rewards. FAB Points cannot be transferred into the next FAB Period, so make sure you redeem them before they expire!